CHP Emblem
As is known, the CHP emblem consists of six arrows. These arrows show the goals the Republic wants to achieve. Republicanism,

What is the Soviet system? What is statism?
September 1829.
A Lithuanian professor puts a lead on top of Ararat. A lead cast sign weighing 13.5 kilograms.
The lead says:
Be loyal to the orders of Tsar Nicholas. He is the greatest ruler in all Russia. General Ivan Paskevich Yerevansky, with the power of his weapon,
took this holy place into his possession. Year 1826
Ararat is a holy mountain (General Ivan Paskevich took this holy place into his possession). “Ararat cannot be climbed” is divine law. This is the definition of law ‘’Divine Law’’.
Professor Parrot is told that “There is a divine punishment for mortals to climb Noah’s Mountain and break the divine law, which has not been climbed since the time of Noah.”
Prof. Parrot climbs the mountain on his third attempt with two Armenians, two Russian soldiers and Dean Abovyan. Dean Abovyan, dressed in three robes in a row because of the cold, climbs the mountain at the front. The dean fills the bowl with holy ice to put in the church, and they descend from the mountain.
One of the Armenian soldiers, probably with the pressure of the church, said, “It has been climbed very vert high, but not all the highest. The others said the same”.
Prof. Parrot puts the dignity of his name against the clergy regarding the statement that he climbed the mountain. (Prof. Parrot is state adviser to the Russian Empire).
A year later Professor Parrot hears about the general belief that goes like: ‘’Actually, this mountain was not climbed’’, and that most people around the mountain believed so.
In 1836, Armenian schools were closed. Armenian is banned. Russian is declared the official language.

In 1840, an earthquake occurs on the mountain. The Ahora valley remains underground. Another Russian-German professor O. W. Hermann Abich, was also sent to the region with the order of the state, reported that ‘’Ahora was completely destroyed, rooted out’’.
1829 is a turning point in the history of the world. With the sign that Prof.Parrot put up in Ararat, a new belief, a new ideology, in which property belongs to the state and state authority is above human dignity, emerges: Communism.
Ararat has two meanings today.
1- Human dignity and property are inviolable.
2- State authority is above human dignity. The main thing is the state.
The second meaning is valid.
Ararat, with its second meaning, is the foundation of constitutions as communism, socialism and statism. Let’s see if it can be better understood with an example.
The 1982 constitution was demanded to be amended. A constitutional commission was established in the parliament. In order to assist the Constitutional Commission with ideas, TÜSİAD also organized roundtable meetings among themselves. TÜSİAD (businessmen association) says that it is not possible to make a completely new constitution. In other words, constitutions are military tutelage constitutions.
July 1971.
Astronaut James Irwin hears a voice on the moon. He receives an order. “Look at the Ark in eastern Turkey”. An American pilot, astronaut, engineer, scientist. Astronaut James Irwin, upon the order given to him on the moon, resigns from his duty at NASA, and sets out to search for Noah’s Ark on Mount Ararat in eastern Turkey… The astronaut’s resignation is not accepted, and he is offered a desk job. His resignation is accepted provided he doesn’t talk about NASA. The astronaut still talks. “NASA should investigate humanity’s past as well as its future. Didn’t we all come from Noah’s Ark? He says.

1970’s. The mountain is the military forbidden zone on the border between NATO and the Warsaw Pacts. In other words, on the border that separates the “Free World” from the “Iron Curtain”. Astronaut Irwin goes to the mountain with the permission of the General Staff. It is believed that the astronaut is a spy, that he will spy on Russia from the top of the mountain, at an altitude of 5165 m, standing like a natural radar on the border. But the Astronaut is still allowed (Astronaut uses his military ID. He has a letter to General Kenan Evren as “Dear Colleague”). When the astronaut is allowed, the Mountaineering Federation also requests permission for touristic and sportive purposes. Thus, with the permission of the General Staff, the mountain is opened to foreign mountaineers. The year is 1982.
I am a tourism professional, my branch is mountaineering. I serve mountaineering tourists. With the opening of the mountain to tourism, I found myself in the events.
We (travel agencies) send the identity information of the tourists to the Ministry of Interior in lists. The interior ministry checks whether there are any objectionable people among the tourists. Name lists are sent to Ağrı Province. The Governor’s Office sends it to the
Doğubeyazıt District Governor’s Office and the District Governorship to the Gendarmerie. After the name lists reach the Gendarmerie, they go up and down the mountain accompanied by a mountain guide.
There is a protocol with some rules. This protocol has always been a problem. The protocol was adapted every years, and a new protocol text was declared. As the protocol changed, the number of authorities participating in the protocol increased. The protocol gradually turned into an enormous bureaucracy (170 authorities’ approval was required for a tourist to climb Mount Ararat). While TÜRSAB (Travel agencies association) and Kars Governorate were trying to enter into the protocol, the system collapsed. In 1992 the mountain was closed. The mountain, which was opened to tourism with great excitement and enthusiasm in 1982, was closed in 1992 with bureaucratic chaos and frustration.

The protocol is available on the Internet. It’s called “Ağrı dağı protokolü”. The description of the protocol does not fit into this article. I wrote a book on it: Dignity of Ararat. Tourism was not possible with this protocol. The legislator is based on the “Divine Law” and says “state authority cannot be climbed”. On the other hand, he says I climbed. So he cancels the authority he says can’t be climbed. The state declared that the mountain would be climbed, and blocked the climb with an enormous bureaucracy. It was believed that the mountain would be climbed, it was imposed that it could not be climbed, it was made accepted.
Parrot’s belief is self-contradictory. It cancels itself.
It is a protocol that tourists and tourism professionals must follow. The key to making a constitution is hidden in this protocol. Ignore this paragraph. I am writing what will be talked about maybe fifty years later.
Prof. Parrot says, I climbed, state authority can not be climbed. It’s impossible. Protocol was not possible. Tourism was not possible.
In the beginning, we used to get Ararat permission from the ministry of interior. This gradually turned into an enormous bureaucracy with the participation of 5 ministries, dozens of institutions and organizations.
In the beginning, we used to get a visa from the German consulate with two documents. This gradually turned into a bureaucracy that required a folder full of documents rather than a file. Turkish state belief and German state belief are the same as a photocopy.
The Soviet Union and the European Union are the same ideology.
In 1991, communism collapsed. The Soviet Union disintegrated. Leningrad was rehabilitated, but Ararat was not. Leningrad again in St. Petersburg, but Ararat’s impasse was not officially restored.
What kind of a constitution could be made if Ararat’s dignity was restored? If Ararat were to be rehabilitated, constitutions would begin with “Human dignity is sacred and inviolable”.
There is a constitution that started like this..
Human dignity shall be inviolable. To respect and protect it shall be the duty of all state authority.
This is the first article of the German constitution. I apologize to the German people, this clause does not apply. German State accepts Parrot’s climbing as official climbing (Offizielle Besteigung). There is no human dignity.
The CHP emblem is accepted in 1927. Even then, statism was annotated with an exceptional forethought. However, statism cannot be balanced. As a step forward, the CHP can put fundamental rights and freedoms in the constitution as a part (like the first part of the German constitution). The most important factor that alienates the people from the People’s Party is statism. It should always keep that notch in mind.