Generals of Mount Ararat

Mustafa Bilgili
Dec 30, 2023

General Mark Milley
Chief of Staff of the Army
2425 Wilson Blvd Arlington VA

June1, 2023

Dear General Milley,

There are three generals in the history of Mount Ararat. Need another general.

US Joint Chiefs of Staff

General Ivan Paskevich Yerevansky puts a lead on the mountain. A lead cast sign weighing 13.5 kilograms.

General Ivan Paskevich Yerevansky,
with the power of his weapon,
took this holy place into his possession.
Year 1826

Captain Cedet Sunay (later General and President) puts a flag.

military flags at the top

Colonel James Irwin searched for Noah’s Ark on the mountain. 1973 1984

Irwin camp 4700 m

General Kenan Evren opened the mountain to tourism. 1982 1992

A fourth general is needed. Let the summit be banned, let the supreme law rule the world.

Best regards



Mustafa Bilgili

Ararat’ın İtibarı kitabının yazarı. Writer of the book Dignity of Ararat